Schnell Rad zu fahren, ist hauptsächlich ein Kampf gegen den Luftwiderstand. Die moderne Wissenschaft kann mit computergestützten Simulationstechniken die dabei entstehenden Strömungsprobleme berechnen. Die Ergebnisse helfen auch dem modernen Radsport...
Aus dem Inhalt:
UCI und Stundenrekord
Modernes Zeitfahren
256 Seiten mit vielen Abbildungen in Farbe.
ISBN: 978-3-9806385-5-5-5
Leichte Mängel am Umschlag (Farbabrieb an den Kanten)
A velomobile friend of mine died in his velomobile on the way to work in the morning. When he was later found in his velomobile in a ditch, the first aiders lost a lot of time and also caused unnecessary damage to the velomobile, because they did not know how to recover the victim.The "rescue card" was then developed together with an employee of the German Red Cross.The rescue card comes as a "Milan" version, as a "general" version (with Strada as a velomobile) and in English - please select the variant you want.You will get a digital PDF file you can print out yourself.
Velomobil Rettungskarte / Velomobile First Aid Rescue Card by Henning Tesch is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Simple, but effectiveMaterial: solid glass!Dimensions: approx. 6.5 x 9 cmAfter ordering, please send me the name and frame no. together with the order number!
Glass drinking bottle with stainless steel cap. Filling capacity 500 ml. The design is lasered towards the bottom of the glass.Different colours available.Not dishwasher safe.Please send me the name and frame no. together with the order number after ordering!
We all know the situation where we are gliding along relaxed at our feel-good speed and suddenly the voice comes:"Police check, where is the engine please?". Here you can add a line with a twinkling eye then ;-) Foil sticker for velomobile, car or similar.approx. 150 x 50 mmPlease select colorDelivery free of shipping costs in envelope
Voucher for a test drive in one of my velomobiles!The price of the voucher will be deducted from the purchase price of the ordered vehicle when ordering.The voucher is printed on special paper and sent free of charge by post.
The Velomobile Ottersberg mug
Made of ceramic Glazed in 3 colors Printed logo Dishwasher safe Capacity: approx. 300 ml Dimensions: approx. 8.50 x 8.60 cm (H x Ø)